Chance the Fairy Godmother

Chance the Fairy Godmother is an original children chapter book/graphic novel series created by Cella. It is currently a work in progress. This album includes a few studies and illustrations of the characters and scenes.

Book Cover for Chance the Fairy Godmother, an original story by Cella, which is currently a work-in-progress.
Medium: ink, watercolor, colored pencil, and Clip Studio Paint.

Character Study: Chance Flores (from "Chance the Fairy Godmother).
Medium: Clip Studio Paint.

Character Study: Chance Flores (from "Chance the Fairy Godmother")
Medium: Adobe Photoshop and Clip Studio Paint.

Character Study: Lileth Hendricks (from "Chance the Fairy Godmother").
Medium: Clip Studio Paint

Chance returns home to her mother from a disappointing day. Sketch idea from Chance the Fairy Godmother.
Medium: Watercolor and Micronpen.

Character Study (profile view): Chance Flores, main character.
Medium: Pencil, Clip Studio Paint.